What if the change you’re avoiding, is the one that gives you wings?

Transformational Mentoring

Transformational Mentoring is a multi-dimensional approach to life-coaching, personal/spiritual healing, and one-on-one mentoring.

What I’ve found working as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transformational Mentor, and Equine Assisted Coach, is that there is no one size fits all package to healing, growth and transformation. True transformation is unique to the individual, and so the approach to the work should be, as well.

What informs the work, is you. Where are you on your journey? What’s needed most to help you make significant transformation in your life?

Those answers vary from person to person, therefore the modalities required to have the biggest impact, do as well. Together we create a strategy for what is needed to forge your path in all aspects of your life; career, financial, relationships, health and lifestyle.

Below are just some of the tools we use in the transformational mentoring program to help you reach your highest and best potential.


The heart of the coaching process is to help you identify what you want to work on, where your resistance is to making those changes, and empowering you to take the necessary steps in order to accomplish them. Accountability, support, and encouragement are some of the basic tenets in quality coaching. In our transformational mentoring program, coaching is just one part of the process. We’re most interested in helping you dive deep, understand the core wounds that led you to where you are, and guide you on your healing journey so that you can be your best self, and truly thrive.


This technique allows you to access the powerhouse that is your subconscious mind to support the positive changes you are working towards in your life. Imagine if all your brain wiring went to a control panel and you were only given access to 12% of the buttons and dials. The other 88% was behind glass and stuck on autopilot, guided by past programming. That's how our minds operate. Our conscious mind is only 12% while our subconscious, our programming, is a staggering 88%. It’s no wonder we struggle to break free of old ways of being and belief systems that do not work for us. The beauty of implementing hypnotherapy in mentoring is it allows us to re-align the subconscious mind to support your creative visions and purpose. Hypnosis has been used in many ancient cultures for thousands of years and there is both power and magic in it.

Equine Assisted Therapy:

Horses are incredibly grounding and thrive on connection. By partnering with them, you are offered the ability to access parts of yourself that may have been hidden, opening your heart and creativity. Horses are the embodiment of co-regulation and can teach us about our nervous system, how it affects us, and how, in it’s desire to keep us safe, it can unwittingly block our progress.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”- Marianne Williamson

Learn more and see if Transformational Mentoring is for you.